Assistive Technology

Find ways to design high quality instructional programs for students with significant needs

Serving Students With Severe and Multiple Disabilities: A Guide to Strategies for Successful Learning — Second Edition addresses how districts can provide instruction to enable students with severe and multiple disabilities to achieve consistent growth and progress.

New resource helps districts prevent IEP, 504 plan implementation failures

IEP and 504 Plan Implementation Strategies for Compliance and Student Success outlines the major pitfalls that lead to costly implementation failures and the concrete steps districts and individual educators can take minimize such mistakes.

5 pillars help paraprofessionals take action on equity

Equity means every student should have access and opportunity at the right moment in their education to a physically, societally, socially, and emotionally safe environment.

Side-by-side: ESSER, ESSER II, and ARP ESSER allowable activities

What money from the three funding bills - CARES Act, CRRSA Act, and the American Rescue Plan, can be spent on.

What to consider when drafting individualized contingency plans

Having individualized contingency plans in place can help garner trust among parents and ease transitions for students to remote learning.

3 ways teams can meet students’ assistive technology needs

IEP team may need to work with other departments to ensure that students have the technology they need to receive free appropriate public education.

Advocacy groups applaud new IDEA funding for special education

Congress passed a new relief bill that includes about $3 billion in additional funding to the IDEA, including preschool grants for special education.

Senate passes relief bill with billions in education funding, sends back to House

The Senate passed its version of a relief package that includes approximately $126 billion in funding for K-12 education, down from the nearly $130 billion provided by the House.

Keeping students with dyslexia engaged in virtual learning

A look at interactive tools, sound production, assistive technology and more as related to distance learning and dyslexia.

Remote instruction for students with visual and hearing impairments

Two schools supporting students who are blind or deaf share how they are educating those who are distance learning.

Providing access to SEL for students with disabilities

In implementing an SEL program, a special education representative should have a seat at the table to ensure students with disabilities are included, both in remote and in-person situations.

Ruling roundup: Special education during the pandemic

Catch up on 14 key judicial and administrative rulings in specific topic areas related to IDEA and FAPE.

12 uses for ESSER funds

School districts may use grant funds to support any activity authorized by the ESEA, including a host of education supplies, student supports or teacher training.

How to protect against retaliation claims during distance learning

Extended school closures dramatically shift the way students receive education and how parents can communicate with district staff. As a result, advocacy and adverse action may look different under these circumstances.

How to establish and fund an effective distance learning program

Know what the allowable uses of funds are for distance learning through the $13.23 billion Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund.

Education funding streams in CARES Act provide wealth of spending options

Emergency education relief funding of $16.2 billion is to be administered by the U.S. Education Department. Here are details of the emergency funds.

New product offers quick solutions for IDEA documentation

LRP Media Group, a recognized leader in the special education publishing industry, has released Ready-to-Use Forms, Charts and Checklists for IDEA Compliance, a compilation...

5 reasons to boost listening literacy in schools

Why lessons in listening are now being incorporated into reading instruction—and how listening comprehension can be taught.

How robots excel at access for students with autism

The key to the effectiveness of any ed tech tool, including robots for children with autism, lies in whether students transfer the skills they've learned from schoolwork into their daily lives.

How K-12 leaders are closing the digital divide

Educators are more proactively using technology to support learning for all students, and support the four C's—collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking.

New edition Staff Training Tips binder provides current, compliant strategies to educate students in the least restrictive environment

Special and general educators and other school site personnel must be up to date on strategies to educate students with disabilities in the least...

Offering ‘flexible instruction’ instead of snow days? Don’t forget about IDEA compliance.

Schools in Pennsylvania now have the option to use "flexible instructional days" in place of snow days. Here are key considerations for schools to implement these programs in compliance with the IDEA and Section 504.

Collect ample data when team considers shifting approach to assistive technology but parent disagrees

New developments in assistive technology may make some services in a student's IEP unnecessary, but changes need to be implemented carefully.

Are students’ assistive technology devices ready for the new school year?

Not having assistive technology ready for students who need it can delay learning and cause frustration for parents and teachers.

Learn how digital tools can help with communication logs

Here are tips and tools for streamlining the task of summarizing, documenting and sharing daily activities.

Report: Accessibility and inclusivity must be considered at every stage of the technology process

For students with disabilities, edtech can provide opportunities or barriers, so inclusivity should be considered throughout implementation.

Prepare for virtual assistants in special education

The benefits of virtual assistants for individuals with disabilities have many special educators eyeing these tools for their potential use in the classroom.

New mobile communication product released

Two one-way receivers—LKR-11 and LKR-12—are the latest accessories for Listen Technologies' ListenTALK mobile communication product. The LKR-11 Receiver Pro features volume control; crisp, clear audio; a storage tray; software pairing; near field communication; and OLED digital display. The LKR-12 Receiver Basic is similar, but does not include the latter two features.

Voice and choice drives edtech in special education

Children with unique learning needs excel when their interests and skills drive specialized instruction that is delivered via assistive technology in an engaging and sensitive environment.

Dungeons & Dragons storms K12 education

A group of educators has revived the nondigital adventure game as a fun way to teach students decision-making and critical-thinking skills, while they work collaboratively and creatively. What can...

Technologies that will change special education

Augmented reality Brain Power is a digital coach that empowers children and adults with autism to teach themselves social and cognitive skills. http://www.brain-power.com/ NuEyes...

Edtech equalizers in special education

Ware County School District in Georgia has downsized its inventory of assistive technology. Thanks to a slew of technological advances, many of the specialized...

Eye-gaze technology

Students who have significant physical disabilities can benefit greatly from advances in "eye-gaze technology." With various platforms, students move their eyes to type letters or...

How schools are disrupting dyslexia

Educators know that most dyslexic students will need interventions and accommodations throughout school, but best practices continue to evolve as more is learned about this reading disability.

Enhancing education with assistive technology

The ever-increasing pace and variety of technological developments continues to be a challenge for K12 assistive technology products. As education content becomes available in more...